Wednesday, June 30, 2010

bud light lime

Amy Dill Torbert sitting on the couch chilling with Tulley and she says, hey mom, is Bud Light Lime the newest Bud Light? seriously, she is 7...where does she come up with this stuff?

June 30, 2010  8:21pm

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Roger Torbert Alex, Tulley and I went for a walk on the beach after the rain stopped.

Tulley: Why is the sand so wet?
Me: It rained Tulley.
Alex: Tulley, maybe one day you will become President and you can order them to cover the beach with umbrellas so that the sand doesn't get wet.
Tulley: Dad, I'm not going to be president – I'm going to be Queen of the World...I'm going to be Queen of the World...

June 27, 2010  8:13 PM

Harbor Island, SC -- 6/10

Monday, June 14, 2010


Roger Torbert Tulley: "Dad, I can't wait to see my floor again! I bet it sparkles!" (as I'm cleaning her room after she has been 'cleaning' all day)

June 14, 2010  8:38 PM

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Roger Torbert Tulley: "Hey dad, wouldn't it be cool if we could fly and our butts lit up?!?!"

June 3, 2010  7:46 PM


Catching Fireflies -- 6/3/10